WATYE KI GEN gave each child a goat so that once it produces, the kid is given to another child; this helps to ensure that at least each child has a goat. once a child has provided a kid to another, the next time the same goat gives birth; it is not given away but helps to enlarge the herd; once this is done, the children will be sure to have all the scholastic materials needed and also improve their standards of living especially when some of the goats are sold off.

Watye ki Gen has worked hard to improve the well-being of both the mothers and the youth through development of small income-generating, cooperative projects to increase their livelihood. with the funding that we got from friends through partners worldwide women are accessing loan at a small interest compare to the normal loan. this is helping them to generate income that can help them push in life and cater for their children and medical bills. some of the women are now empowered through this loan. and they feel stronger than before because of the project and moving on well with their life.

  • Poultry Farming.
  • Planting Simsim.
  • Charity Work in schools.
  • Games, Drama and Dances for the children

This is done to build their sense of humor and to build them to become good citizens of the Uganda. we train them on tradition on Acholi culture, awareness on the sexual transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS, awareness on children protection, traditional dances and drama to cheer them up, sport and games for them to avoid idleness and so on.