Watye ki Gen has had several out-reaches in different places in the 7 districts mentioned, some were during the documentation and others while during community dialogue. These sensitizations create awareness on the situation of the children born in captivity and the parents, reconciliation, forgiveness and also giving chances for the community members to air out their feelings about the situation on the ground which are affecting them concerning the formerly abducted persons. these has helped a lot to reduce stigma in the community on the children born in captivity.

Radio talk shows have been one of the ways of advocacy as it covers a very wide coverage in northern region. the talk show is of advantage because of its coverage, it creates awareness on the organisation programme, it gives chances for the community members to freely participate because their identity is not seen and can easily change their names while doing the participation. this encourages those who cannot speak in public to also participate with us in the programme hence not leaving any person behind.